Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Parler en Français

Since the VtES European Championship 2010 is taking placing in Paris, France in a few weeks, it's time to learn some of the more important phrases commonly needed in game of VtES en français:
  • "On est alliés." -- "We are allies."

  • "Je ne breake pas." -- "I never break deals."

  • "Ça ne sera pas contre toi." -- "This won't be against you."

  • "Je te bleed pour huit, à deux stealth." -- "I bleed you for eight, with +2 stealth."

  • "Ne me rush pas, s'il te plaît." -- "Please don't rush me."

  • "Je deflect sur ma proie." -- "I bounce the bleed to my prey."

  • "Qui a l'Edge?" -- "Where is the Edge?"

  • "Je vote pour." -- "I vote in favor."

  • "Je vote contre." -- "I vote against."
.. and most importantly:
  • "Parlez-vous anglais?" -- "Do you speak English?"
If you know more valuable bits and pieces of VtES lingo en français, please feel free to comment. And please include the English translation!!

1 comment:

  1. Some additional sentences, which could be useful :

    • "Je ne suis pas une menace à la table " -> "I'm not a threat at the table"

    • "Est-ce que tu vas regarder à droite, ou à gauche ?" -> "Will you take a look on your right, or on your left?"
